Transforming Male Mental Health

At Brothers in Arms, our mission is clear. We aim to transform male mental health.

Reducing UK male suicide rates is our primary focus. Every day, 12 men take their own lives. For men under 50, suicide is the leading cause of death.

We want to encourage men to seek support before crisis hits. Our Blethr technology provides an anonymous, safe and accessible platform for men to be heard.

About The Blethr Platform

What The Blethr Platform Does

Open Communication: The Blethr Platform promotes honest dialogue. It offers men judgment-free zones to share their thoughts, experiences, and emotions in private.

24/7 Availability: Men can connect with their inner selves in a supportive space. They can express their thoughts anytime, without filters.

Tech for Good: We use technology to make mental wellbeing support accessible. We embrace its potential for positive change.

The Road Ahead: We are continually fundraising to evolve The Blethr Platform and keep it free. Future updates will allow users to create anonymized data for research. This aims to anticipate crises rather than intervene, to reduce male suicide rates.

Access The Blethr Platform here.

Why Its Time to Blethr

Your Own Private Safe Space To Be Honest

Though gender-specific stereotypes might seem outdated, the expectation for men to be stoic persists. Men need their own safe, private space to discuss inner thoughts, emotions, and experiences without fear.

The Blethr Platform promotes inner dialogue and self-support. This is crucial for fostering a culture where men feel empowered to share and seek help, whether digitally, in person, or group settings.

Lets Blethr Together

Why It's Time to Share Blethr

We aim to encourage men across Scotland to use the Blethr Platform for honest, personal conversations with their true inner selves. This practice can inspire others. With Blethr, barriers fall. Men can speak freely whenever they want, about anything.

Raising Awareness

Men must highlight male mental wellbeing issues. We need to challenge stigmas and promote open conversations. This is why we developed Blethr. It's crucial for men to share it with others.

Tech-Driven Solutions

The Blethr Platform provides men with their own safe space to connect with at any time. It enables them to talk about anything, 24/7. We use technology to foster genuine connections. Men can understand their feelings, explore options, and focus on their future. They become who they truly want to be.

Engaging the Community

We aim to raise £120,000 in 2024 for The Blethr Platform's evolution. This funding ensures it remains free for men. Future features include user logins and an anonymized data layer for research. This approach anticipates crises rather than only intervening during them. We focus on prevention through self-management. Join us through events, fundraisers, and other initiatives. Together, we can tangibly impact men's mental health.


Get Involved

How you can support us


You can support Brothers in Arms and the Blethr Platform by donating to our Just Giving page

Access The Blethr Platform:

Be part of the Blethr community by sharing the platform with others and creating a movement for change.

Share Your Story:

Use The Blethr Platform to tell your story, break the silence and inspire others.


Images from our fundraising ball.

Here are a few images from our fundraising ball

Brothers in Arms