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In our fast-paced, ever-evolving world, a job loss or career setback can be a crushing blow for anyone. However, research suggests that men often bear the brunt of these changes much more heavily. The question begs to be asked: how can we foster resilience in men to better navigate these career tribulations?

Setbacks are not signs of defeat, but rather opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Men often shoulder the responsibility of being the primary breadwinner, an expectation that is deep-rooted in societal norms and traditional gender roles. This pressure can exacerbate feelings of failure and inadequacy when encountering professional obstacles.

One fundamental component often overlooked is emotional resilience - the ability to recover from adversity. By promoting emotional resilience among men, we could potentially alleviate some of this stress and improve their ability to adapt to change.

The popular narrative paints a picture where men struggle with articulating their feelings or seeking help due to societal expectations around masculinity—think 'stiff upper lip' mentality or 'boys don’t cry' ethos. These outdated stereotypes create barriers that prevent many men from addressing their mental health needs adequately.

However, this need not be an insurmountable hurdle. Many organizations have started acknowledging this issue and are developing initiatives aimed at fostering resilience among men - both emotionally and mentally.

That's why this article from Psychology Today titled 'Resilience Beyond the Field, navigating career setbacks and rediscovering your identity' rings so true for us as men when it comes to our careers and jobs.

Key points from the article include:

Men often find changes or setbacks in their careers to be devastating and experience challenges bouncing back.

Men feel extraordinary pressure to become a "breadwinner" or provider, which is tied to job performance.

Setbacks or job-related challenges are losses that require grieving.

The grief process is one that is challenging for many men, but necessary to find a productive path forward.

 A Call To Action

To employers, HR professionals, family members, friends—everyone who influences a man's life—we urge you to foster an environment where it's okay not just to "be a man," but also to be human. Open up conversations about emotional resilience, encourage use of resources like Brothers in Arms' digital tools, and remember: true strength lies not merely in weathering the storm but thriving beyond it.

You can read the full article here: Resilience Beyond the Field, navigating career setbacks and rediscovering your identity.

Brothers in Arms